What does Recreation management professional do?
Recreation management professionals, manage, direct and operate private and public recreation business, sports and health facilities, organizations, travel and tourism establishments and parks. They create, organize, promote and oversee programs, services, and events for groups and individuals indulging in wide and diverse interests
and activities.
Do I need a Recreation management degree to work in these organizations?
The answer is yes and no, depending on your career goals. There are many entry-level positions that doesn’t require any management degree. However, for some organizations, management degree may be one of the requirements for management positions as well as experience in recreation business. If recreation management degree is not possible for you at this time, you may start in entry-level jobs and move your way up.
What are the usual qualities of those working in Recreation business?
Individuals who gravitate toward working in recreation are active, enjoy being outdoor, love interacting with people and find satisfaction in providing activities and services to others. As with any other career in hospitality, you must always upgrade your knowledge and skills. For leadership roles, you may need to develop skills in leadership, written and oral communication, complex problem solving, judgment and decision making, resource and time management, service orientation, negotiation and persuasion. You may also need to develop your knowledge in business and administration, public safety and security, sales and marketing, communication and media, human resources, and finance or revenue management.
What is the working environment or work setting and possible careers in Recreation business?
Possible work settings/environment in Recreation includes but not limited to: hospitality and hotels with recreation and health club facilities, state and national parks, cruise line, special venue and events, sports centers, convention and tourism bureau, church and military recreation, theme parks, campus and recreation camps, private and public organizations. You may be employed as (not an exhaustive list): leisure administrator, program coordinator, sports director/manager, fitness club manager, recreation director/manager, park ranger, park director, special events coordinator, trip coordinator, outfitter, leisure manager/director, adventure manager, tourism and leisure promoter, recreation business owner, cruise ship activity manager, recreations director etc., depending on which entity you are working, the titles may vary but the nature of the job, goal and purpose are focus in recreation management.
What are the job prospects and estimates salary of Recreation professionals?
Recreation management employment prospect is faster than the average of all occupations according to Bureau of Labor statistics in 2010. It is projected to increase by 15% between 2008 and 2020. Starting salary starting from $20,000 to $30,000 and experienced professionals between $30,000 to $70,000. (Please note that salary in Recreation Management job varies and subject to many factors, such as the size of the company, geographical location, experience of the individuals etc.).
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